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Sunday, August 12, 2012

I haven't written since it was snowing.  Well when the sun came out so did I.  I went to the tulip festival here in Utah.  Talk about color, oh my goodness.  I just loved it.  I have so many new florals to paint now.  I am so excited.  I also started a vegetable garden, I never thought I would love it so much.  I will post a few photo's later.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Started A Garden

I started a garden.  I had been pre-warned that this may happen.  I guess we can get snow here until May.  It is not to bad though.   We have a gorgeous day at about 75 degrees and the next day it snows.  It is actually kind of fun as long as it doesn't stay cold.  I am still a desert dweller at heart.  The landscape is beautiful here, I am trying all kinds of different techniques in my painting.  As soon as I perfect one or at least make them presentable I will post them.  
Thank you for visiting.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We spent a day in Park City.  I actually was on the shopping end of art.  I bought two pieces, I will photograph them later and let you all see them.  The gallery I bought them at was amazing also.  Stay tuned for all of the details.kl

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pen and Ink sketch of a very interesting saguaro.  I like to draw the saguaros with a lot of character.  This one looks as though it has been home to a number of birds.  I have started a painting of this sketch.  I will post it as soon as I have finished it.
Thanks for looking.

Western Territory 36x48

Western Territory 36x48
Just finished at the show

Rollande and Talula

Going Home

Going Home
Proud owners of Garden Blooms

Artist's Share Expertise with Students

Artist's Share Expertise with Students
Cristine sharing her skills

Green House in progress.

Diane in her studio

Diane in her studio
Garden Blooms in progress



Brand New!

Brand New!

Growing with Pride in its new home!

Growing with Pride in its new home!
My new collector's share this photo with me.