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Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunset Series V

Sunset Series V
8"x 10"
Acrylic on canvas
Price $ 200
To purchase please contact the artist at

Hi All,
Just wanted to write a little update. I am currently involved in a show at the Wildemeyer gallery in Scottsdale, It is located on 3rd and Marshall way. This is a minature show. There are some great affordable little masterpieces available there. I personally included some of my best chair pieces. So hurry on over and look, you will love the show.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Desert Dance

Hi All,

I want to introduce you to my new friends. We met at our art opening at the Jane Hamilton Fine Art Gallery in Tucson, Az. Amy Novelli is on the left with Barry Sapp in the middle, and of course the other artist would be me. We are being featured in the Desert Dance show at Janes Gallery. The work was terrific and the turn out great. Lots of patrons lots of fun. Hope you all were able to make it, if not it will be hanging for another week.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Please Join Me at "Desert Dances"

This Weekend!
Jane Hamilton Fine Art presents:
"Desert Dances"
New Works of Western Art

Please join us to meet the artists and celebrate Old and New Western Art.

Also on Saturday from noon-5, a booksigning with Gary Fillmore,
author of "All Aboard: The Life and Work of Marjorie Reed"

in Joesler Village at the corner of River and Campbell

1825 E. River Rd. Ste.111
Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 529-4886

Friday, October 10, 2008

Alex and Jiggers

My daughter Alex and her new horse, Jiggers.
Jiggers and Alex are the best partners ever. It is so much fun to see them together. She is a 22 year old mare but she acts like a youngster, we love her. A wonderful family gave her to Alex to ride and we are very grateful to them.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bud Vase

Bud Vase
24"x 16"
Acrylic on paper
Price $125
To purchase please contact the artist at

Monday, September 29, 2008

Introducing Casey

Casey is my new horse. He is just a doll. We are having so much fun with him. I need to spend more of my time in the studio and less with the horses, but they are irresistible. I will be seeing you all in January at the Celebration of Fine art. It will be so much fun. I have been posting most of my new paintings on my blogspot, . Please check them out. I have also added a gifts gallery page to my website .

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Horses

Hi everyone,
I am in the mists of welcoming two new horses to our small herd. We have two now, with these two we will have four. My kids love to ride in 4H and I am going to start riding again in the local shows. We all trail ride and like to take the horses camping. Its all great fun. These two new horses were given to us. One is 22 and the other is 16 they need some special attention for a while, but I love taking care of them. I will post some pictures for you soon.

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Gallery

Hi Everyone,
You can now see my work in Scottsdale at the Wilde Meyer gallery on Marshall Way. I just brought in some new work yesterday. I hope you get a chance to drop in. I am busy working on new work for them. Check out my new video on These videos are alot of fun to make, I hope you enjoy them too.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday August 20th

Hi Everyone, I am working on a new tryptic. These canvas's are only 12"x4". They are really unique. Together they will make a great display. Apart they can fill the smallest niche'. I really like them. Look for the video of them in progress.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Building Sandcastles

Building sandcastles in the most beautiful sand I have ever seen. My two youngest wanted to just spend the day on the beach. It sounded good to us, my husband and I, so the four of us went our own way. This was the 7 mile beach at the Grand Caymen Islands.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our gang, The Barbee Bunch

Hi all, this is my family. We are just getting off the ship in Jamaica. For my kids this is their first experience on a cruise. They loved it. I of course took the picture.

Cruise pictures

My son, Jesse, doning the dread locks in our first port of call, Jamaica.
Yah Mon!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back from the Islands

Hi All,
We have returned! We had a lot of fun, I can't say it was relaxing though. We were on the go all the time. If we were at sea, we were involved in all the ships activities. At the ports we got off the ship early and spent the day exploring. I will try to include some pictures soon. The upload on the site is not working right now. More later. Tomorrow I get back to work.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Ideas

Some painted cupboards in my studio

I am playing around with the idea of painting some murals. Of course I have painted murals for my family members and some great friends of mine. I really enjoyed doing them. I will include some pictures of some of the work I have done in the future.

Right now the family is getting ready to go on a cruise. 7 days in the Carribean, of course we are bringing our 5 children so this should be quite the adventure. I will take lots of pictures and post some when we get back. We should arrive home on Aug 4th. I can't wait.

Bouquet for Buddy

Bouquet for Buddy
I painted this puppy for Altered Tails, it was to raise to raise money to help this low cost spay and neuter organization. Buddy raised $3500.00 for their organization. As you can see I am an animal lover. I currently have two dogs, 10 chickens, 2 ducks and 3 horses. Buddy was made to withstand the weather. He is fiberglass and after he is painted he was coated with a car coat.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Desert Drama

Desert Drama
A beautiful oil painting of our Arizona desert
Oil on Canvas
Price $ 6400.00
If you like this painting please contact the artist at I can do something similar for you, just as beautiful.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun in the sun with the kids!Cindy and Pepe two of our hosts.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hi Everyone,

We are back from Mexico, we had a great time. I will include some pict's of the family.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rocky Point

We are gearing up to go to Mexico this 4th of July. We should have alot of fun. Most of our kids have never been there. I hope to take a lot of pictures. Maybe you will see them soon.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Natural Balance III

Natural Balance II

Natural Balance I

Natural Balance I, II, III

Natural Balance I, II, III
Individually they measure 40"x30"
Each painting stands alone or can be purchased together.
They are painted in acrylic with a drawing media on the surface called carandache'. Carandache' is an acrylic crayon that will act like paint if you use water with it. I like to use them as a drawing medium to energize my painting. The process really emphasizes the texture and underlying color in the painting.
Price is $4500.00 individually and 12,000.00 if purchased together.
To purchase contact the artist at
Thank you for looking.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Desert Drama

Desert Drama
30"x 40"
Oil on Canvas
Gearing up for a new show. It will be at Oct. 26th at the Jane Hamilton Gallery. I will be doing alot of my southwestern paintings. I am also working on a special new piece, it will be a show stopper. I will be making a video of its production. Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

After the Rain

After the Rain
Acrylic on Canvas
Price 9500.00
to purchase contact the artist at

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Red and Yellow I

Alex and her pony Frosty

Alex gets her turn at the barrels, those two are amazing. Do I sound like a proud parent?
Well I need to get back to work now. Next photo will be of a painting, I promise.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is what we do for fun. This is my son Joey in hot pursuit of this calve. I love this picture, I may even paint it.
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mystery Chair

This little chair measures 8"x10", a little jem.
I have painted the sides, it is a gallery wrap canvas.
I had so much fun learning how to make these new
video's, I hope you all enjoy them.
This painting is for sale right now.
"Myster Chair"
acrylic on canvas
Price $195.00
To Purchase contact the artist at

Mystery Chair

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Working, working and playing too!

Hi everyone,
I have been working very hard lately. Alot of paperwork but the taxes are done and I'm back to the work I love. I am working on some smaller works right now. I even completed one that was only 4"x4", it is the cutest painting I have ever done. I will include a picture of it. In fact I just sold it. It didn't last long. I imagine they will look great grouped together on a wall. Let me know what you think.
More Later,

Working, working and playing too!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back to work at my studio

Hi all,
I have now moved back into my home studio. It still is quite the mess, but I am working on it. I need to do some traveling and bring new work to my galleries, Jane Hamilton in Tucson and Sunrise in Wickenburg. I hope to have some new work for you soon on my blog. In the mean time why don't you check out my new blog, I have posted some daily paintings on this site, it is really alot of fun, to paint a painting a day. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Five Days Left!

Hello Everyone,
I am well into a new painting now. I think you will love it. I was lucky enough to get some help on this one, as you can see from the photo's. The show is winding down, or should I say winding up. The traffic is getting heavier and the walls bearer. Many of the collectors have come back to get their favorite pieces. We are all getting reved up for the last weekend.
I am looking forward to getting back to my home studio to work, but I will really miss all of the friends I have made at this show. We keep in touch but for the last ten weeks we have seen more of each other than our own families. I will write more soon.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Finished with Enchantment!

Hi Everyone,
Today is a great day, I woke up early and the house is quiet. Did I mention I have five kids? When the house is quiet it is always a great start to the day. I finished my large floral, yesterday. I have titled it Enchantment. I really think it is enchanting! I hope all of you will too.
I will include a picture of it.

Yesterday their was a buzz in the tents, alot of artwork was making its way to the office. The time is growing short and the artwork has started placing itself in lucky collectors homes. I can't imagine a better way to start the day then to have a great piece of art to enjoy over coffee.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Hi all,

A lot has gone on this week, we had the art of food and we also had alot of highschool students(aspiring artist's) and a group of sixth graders come and visit. All the kids were great. They had very interesting questions and great observations. But all in all it was a very busy week. A wonderful couple added Garden Blooms to their collection. They were very happy to take it home. Every one is gearing up for the final two weeks of the show. It should be eventful, it was very busy last year at this time. I am looking forward to meeting many new people. I am not looking forward to the end of the show, because of all the wonderful friends I have made, and will miss.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Almost Finished

Hello Again,
How is everyone doing? I am having a great day. I spent the day at home with my creatures. They include the ducks, who wander freely around the yard, the horses, where finally allowed out in the pastures, and my three dogs. It was a beautiful day and I got to spend a lot of it painting. I am really moving on this new painting, I am completely inspired. I will include more photo's of it in progress.

Yesterday I was visited by some family and friends, we got a photo together in my temporary studio at the Celebration. Tomorrow is the Art of Food in the tents, I am going to bring some of the kids in to see the show. You can get in free tomorrow from 4pm to 7pm if you bring some non-perishable food for St. Mary's Food Bank. I hope to see you all there.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Hello Friends,
Today is the start of the last three weeks of the CFA (Celebration of Fine Arts). The show this year is spectacular. There are two artists I particularly like that you should check out if you have a chance. One is Barbara Rudolph and the other is Donald Cullen, they are very different from each other but both spectacular. I own some of Barbara's work already and I plan on collecting Donald at the end of the show. I have two pieces picked out!

My work is coming along, the painting I am working on is 60x48 and I think is one of the best paintings I have ever done. I will let you decide, I will include a work in progress photo. If you have not had a chance to check out the show yet, please do you will not be disappointed. Meanwhile I have to go back to work. I hope to see all of you soon.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Day

Hi All,
Just checking in. I have started a new painting, it may take me a while. I will get a picture of it in progress. The weather is great now and we are getting a lot more people wandering through, enjoying the art. The only draw back is that all of us want to be outside, I guess we all have a little spring fever.

I am constantly learning new things from all the people I meet. I have learned more about homeschooling, about the flowers that thrive in different parts of the world and about how many horse lovers also love art. Horses are another passion of mine, why I don't paint more of them, I don't know. I do however own a paint, ha! Anyway I will write more later, I am off to paint another day.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hello Everyone, today was a very productive day. I got paperwork done as well as painting. I have updated my website, although I did run into some technical difficulties, which is not hard for me to do. My kids are the ones who got me going on the computer and even though I can navigate a keyboard without too much difficulty anymore, I would never consider myself technosavy.

I finished my "Green House" yesterday and it is hanging in my booth, looking wonderful. I sold two paintings over the weekend, to two absolutely fabulous couples. I was very happy they got such wonderful homes and I am so glad that I get to meet the people who enjoy my work. The Celebration is such a great opportunity for that reason. I rarely got to meet anyone who bought my work before CFA.

I need to get going now, I hear the mice (Kids) in the other room whispering, that is not a good sign. All you parents out there know what that means.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Half way through the Celebration

Today is Saturday the 16th of February. We are about half way through the Celebration show, and the weather is getting nicer. We are meeting more wonderful people from all over the country. Today should be wonderful and sunny so I hope to see alot you at the show.

I am working on a new painting I am calling Green House, it is a working title. It is a little of a departure from my usual work but a good experience so far. I am getting alot of great response from passerby's. I am posting a few photos of the paintings I have completed recently.

More later, I am off to the show.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I am writing my first blog. I am really excited to be able to share alittle of each day with my friends and clients. I am currently taking part in the Celebration of Fine Art in Scottsdale,
Az. I am repeatedly surprised at how wonderful the art is here. Last year I didn't think the work could get any better but it has. The artist in the tents this year are incredible. They are also as personable as they are talented. I am having a great time.

The weather in the tents has just warmed up, which makes it much easier to paint. I have just finishes a southwestern landscape that is warm and beautiful just like our weather. This landscape measures 36x48 and I call it "Western Territory". I am going to start another landscape soon, the weather inspires me.

More to come soon,

Western Territory 36x48

Western Territory 36x48
Just finished at the show

Rollande and Talula

Going Home

Going Home
Proud owners of Garden Blooms

Artist's Share Expertise with Students

Artist's Share Expertise with Students
Cristine sharing her skills

Green House in progress.

Diane in her studio

Diane in her studio
Garden Blooms in progress



Brand New!

Brand New!

Growing with Pride in its new home!

Growing with Pride in its new home!
My new collector's share this photo with me.