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Monday, August 29, 2011

Keeping Up

     I haven't posted for quite awhile.  Oct. of 2010 was the start of a truly challenging time in my life as well as my family's.  The events we all had to face have been life changing for us.  The last of them ending in a move.  We will be moving to Utah sometime in September.  Our five kids have lived in Phoenix for their entire lives.  This will be very exciting for them.  We are moving our mini farm with us.  The horses, dogs and rabbit, will be with us.  Still deciding on the chickens and ducks, don't know if they will be up to the move.  We will miss our family and friends greatly but with social media it will always seem as if they are close.  I will return to Scottsdale each year for the Celebration of Fine Art for as long as they will have me.  They are some of the greatest people I know and I consider myself lucky for the last six years I have been included in this show.  Hopefully we will be all settled by the time I head back for the show. 

Western Territory 36x48

Western Territory 36x48
Just finished at the show

Rollande and Talula

Going Home

Going Home
Proud owners of Garden Blooms

Artist's Share Expertise with Students

Artist's Share Expertise with Students
Cristine sharing her skills

Green House in progress.

Diane in her studio

Diane in her studio
Garden Blooms in progress



Brand New!

Brand New!

Growing with Pride in its new home!

Growing with Pride in its new home!
My new collector's share this photo with me.