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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Five Days Left!

Hello Everyone,
I am well into a new painting now. I think you will love it. I was lucky enough to get some help on this one, as you can see from the photo's. The show is winding down, or should I say winding up. The traffic is getting heavier and the walls bearer. Many of the collectors have come back to get their favorite pieces. We are all getting reved up for the last weekend.
I am looking forward to getting back to my home studio to work, but I will really miss all of the friends I have made at this show. We keep in touch but for the last ten weeks we have seen more of each other than our own families. I will write more soon.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Finished with Enchantment!

Hi Everyone,
Today is a great day, I woke up early and the house is quiet. Did I mention I have five kids? When the house is quiet it is always a great start to the day. I finished my large floral, yesterday. I have titled it Enchantment. I really think it is enchanting! I hope all of you will too.
I will include a picture of it.

Yesterday their was a buzz in the tents, alot of artwork was making its way to the office. The time is growing short and the artwork has started placing itself in lucky collectors homes. I can't imagine a better way to start the day then to have a great piece of art to enjoy over coffee.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Hi all,

A lot has gone on this week, we had the art of food and we also had alot of highschool students(aspiring artist's) and a group of sixth graders come and visit. All the kids were great. They had very interesting questions and great observations. But all in all it was a very busy week. A wonderful couple added Garden Blooms to their collection. They were very happy to take it home. Every one is gearing up for the final two weeks of the show. It should be eventful, it was very busy last year at this time. I am looking forward to meeting many new people. I am not looking forward to the end of the show, because of all the wonderful friends I have made, and will miss.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Almost Finished

Hello Again,
How is everyone doing? I am having a great day. I spent the day at home with my creatures. They include the ducks, who wander freely around the yard, the horses, where finally allowed out in the pastures, and my three dogs. It was a beautiful day and I got to spend a lot of it painting. I am really moving on this new painting, I am completely inspired. I will include more photo's of it in progress.

Yesterday I was visited by some family and friends, we got a photo together in my temporary studio at the Celebration. Tomorrow is the Art of Food in the tents, I am going to bring some of the kids in to see the show. You can get in free tomorrow from 4pm to 7pm if you bring some non-perishable food for St. Mary's Food Bank. I hope to see you all there.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Hello Friends,
Today is the start of the last three weeks of the CFA (Celebration of Fine Arts). The show this year is spectacular. There are two artists I particularly like that you should check out if you have a chance. One is Barbara Rudolph and the other is Donald Cullen, they are very different from each other but both spectacular. I own some of Barbara's work already and I plan on collecting Donald at the end of the show. I have two pieces picked out!

My work is coming along, the painting I am working on is 60x48 and I think is one of the best paintings I have ever done. I will let you decide, I will include a work in progress photo. If you have not had a chance to check out the show yet, please do you will not be disappointed. Meanwhile I have to go back to work. I hope to see all of you soon.


Western Territory 36x48

Western Territory 36x48
Just finished at the show

Rollande and Talula

Going Home

Going Home
Proud owners of Garden Blooms

Artist's Share Expertise with Students

Artist's Share Expertise with Students
Cristine sharing her skills

Green House in progress.

Diane in her studio

Diane in her studio
Garden Blooms in progress



Brand New!

Brand New!

Growing with Pride in its new home!

Growing with Pride in its new home!
My new collector's share this photo with me.