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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Day

Hi All,
Just checking in. I have started a new painting, it may take me a while. I will get a picture of it in progress. The weather is great now and we are getting a lot more people wandering through, enjoying the art. The only draw back is that all of us want to be outside, I guess we all have a little spring fever.

I am constantly learning new things from all the people I meet. I have learned more about homeschooling, about the flowers that thrive in different parts of the world and about how many horse lovers also love art. Horses are another passion of mine, why I don't paint more of them, I don't know. I do however own a paint, ha! Anyway I will write more later, I am off to paint another day.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hello Everyone, today was a very productive day. I got paperwork done as well as painting. I have updated my website, although I did run into some technical difficulties, which is not hard for me to do. My kids are the ones who got me going on the computer and even though I can navigate a keyboard without too much difficulty anymore, I would never consider myself technosavy.

I finished my "Green House" yesterday and it is hanging in my booth, looking wonderful. I sold two paintings over the weekend, to two absolutely fabulous couples. I was very happy they got such wonderful homes and I am so glad that I get to meet the people who enjoy my work. The Celebration is such a great opportunity for that reason. I rarely got to meet anyone who bought my work before CFA.

I need to get going now, I hear the mice (Kids) in the other room whispering, that is not a good sign. All you parents out there know what that means.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Half way through the Celebration

Today is Saturday the 16th of February. We are about half way through the Celebration show, and the weather is getting nicer. We are meeting more wonderful people from all over the country. Today should be wonderful and sunny so I hope to see alot you at the show.

I am working on a new painting I am calling Green House, it is a working title. It is a little of a departure from my usual work but a good experience so far. I am getting alot of great response from passerby's. I am posting a few photos of the paintings I have completed recently.

More later, I am off to the show.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I am writing my first blog. I am really excited to be able to share alittle of each day with my friends and clients. I am currently taking part in the Celebration of Fine Art in Scottsdale,
Az. I am repeatedly surprised at how wonderful the art is here. Last year I didn't think the work could get any better but it has. The artist in the tents this year are incredible. They are also as personable as they are talented. I am having a great time.

The weather in the tents has just warmed up, which makes it much easier to paint. I have just finishes a southwestern landscape that is warm and beautiful just like our weather. This landscape measures 36x48 and I call it "Western Territory". I am going to start another landscape soon, the weather inspires me.

More to come soon,

Western Territory 36x48

Western Territory 36x48
Just finished at the show

Rollande and Talula

Going Home

Going Home
Proud owners of Garden Blooms

Artist's Share Expertise with Students

Artist's Share Expertise with Students
Cristine sharing her skills

Green House in progress.

Diane in her studio

Diane in her studio
Garden Blooms in progress



Brand New!

Brand New!

Growing with Pride in its new home!

Growing with Pride in its new home!
My new collector's share this photo with me.